Friday, 31 January 2014

Weight LossAfterChildbirth

A study by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine in St. Louis in America that women need a full year to regain her fitness and weight and date of birth of the latter.

It has concluded that the research was conducted on a group of women who have given birth in varying lengths, that a woman's body loses a large amount of minerals (calcium, iron, zinc) during childbirth, causing weakness in energy and chronic fatigue and inability to perform sports activities.

Further concluded that frequent births may alter the shape of a woman's body and reduce her fitness over the long term, where increasing area of loose skin around the abdomen and waist, and spreads in the hips, thighs and arms as a result of weight gain during and after pregnancy.

Experts stress that pregnancy repeated more than three times at close intervals adversely affect the level of calcium in the body, which weakens the bones and teeth.

The aspiration is of the specialist in therapeutic feeding on the most important commandments health and nutrition to restore the strength of the body after repeated births, and how to maintain health after the age of forty.

Factors healthy exposed to the woman who gave birth more than once at frequent intervals, especially with the advances in Age, most notably_Weight gain: Doctor’s shows that the weight of women is increasing by an average of 10 kilograms during pregnancy Increase in the weight of the breasts, uterus, which may amount to about one kilogram of weight of the uterus itself, during the period of pregnancy.

Increase in the weight of the fluid the salt water trapped in the body due to disorders of certain hormones during pregnancy. Has observed doctors that the natural increase in weight during pregnancy fall into four stages Chairperson, are:

* Increased half a kilogram until the tenth week of pregnancy. * Increased 2. 3 kg until the twentieth week
* Increased 3. 8 kg until the thirtieth week
* Increase of 4. 10 to 11 kilos until the week of forty
 Generally, doctors are advised not to increase the weight of the pregnant about two kilograms every 4 weeks during the last months of pregnancy, for reasons linked to after birth and affect the BMI of her body in the future, as:

the great difficulty faced when trying to lose weight after pregnancy, so it is difficult to diet during the nursing period or when there is a new baby in the house.
Increase in weight, especially in the last period of pregnancy, which is due to fluid retention in the body rather than an indication of the accumulation of fat in body.

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