Irritable bowel of the most prevalent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in spite of being a chronic disease, and cause severe pain for the patient, but by following a balanced diet, and follow the advice of a doctor may reduce that pain.
A professor of general surgery, oncology, glands and blood vessels, and laparoscopic surgery developed and gastrointestinal tract, and obesity surgery fellow of the Surgeons, said that irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that may be temporary, or permanent digestive system, pointing out that results from this disorder speed, or in the slow movement of the muscles of the intestines, which affects the ability of the intestine to digest and absorb.
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Further added that what is happening inside the intestine after eating and digest it, comes the stage of waste disposal, explaining that such waste be in the form of a liquid, and as a result of bowel movement natural water is absorbed them, and get rid of them, to go out waste in the image are known, but the result of disorders of colon may be bowel movement less than usual, working to absorb fluid from the waste and leave it dry cause severe pain at the output, causing what is known as constipation.
He pointed out that colon disorders may result in increased bowel movements, causing an increase in waste fluids to a patient, causing diarrhea, adding that the injured man constipation or diarrhea of more hallmarks of a patient colon.
The symptoms of the disease vary from one person to another, as well as gas and bloating, in addition to our white mucus with stool, attendant also symptoms of organic some psychological symptoms, such as nervousness, tension and anxiety which is also a hallmark of the patient's colon.
He explained that he is not required to meet all the symptoms of colon in the patient, but different symptoms and severity by age and psychiatric patient, damage organic reality on the gastrointestinal tract, indicating that the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome often have by dealing system balanced diet, avoiding foods that contain a high amount of fat, especially oriental sweets, in addition to the emphasis on eating adequate amounts of water daily.
He advised the patient colon of exercise daily, especially sport walking, running, working with their sports to tighten the abdominal muscles, and more control over the movement, and prefers not to eat any drugs only after consulting your doctor.
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