Thursday 20 February 2014

Supplements for Weight Loss

Nutrition and Diet
Supplements for Weight Loss
Can be allies in weight loss but are not always risk-free
Supplements for Weight Loss
Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber and plant extracts, and other substances in the list of ingredients provided by dietary supplements, in which also include free formulas for slimming sale.
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According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, "scientific studies attest to the health benefits of some of these compounds, but not all."

Tiara Rodriguez, nutritionist, explains that the slimming pill 'have additional function as a normal diet and provide essential nutrients that help burn fat ", but only fulfill its role when included in a balanced diet.
May even be harmful if you have no care in their selection and dosing

Should not "replace a healthy lifestyle ', emphasizes the expert. "Its misuse can cause overloads of nutrients to the level of metabolism and thus affect organs such as the kidneys and liver.
“Follow the guidance
of a nutritionist for effective results and, above all, safe.
Green Tea Extract
'It’s active constituents, flavor nodes and tannins have a strong antioxidant and a mild diuretic action.

The leaves of green tea stimulate biolysis (fat burning) and thermo genesis (heat release resulting from the conversion of calories into energy), favoring the elimination of fat and limiting the storage of lipids and carbohydrates by the body.

Improvements in skin quality

It believer in vegetarianism a few years ago
 How did that option?
It was very natural. By age 22, when I left my parents' house and went to live alone stopped cooking meat, was something that my body does not feel any I had to change my diet and compensate for the lack of animal protein.

Interestingly, years later, after doing a test for food intolerance, would find that the only food that my body is intolerant is red meat.

Have not like 15 years ago, occasionally ingest white meat (because it is part of feeding my daughter) and I eat fish once a week.

How compensates for the lack of animal protein?
First of all, I felt the need to inform me about the rules of vegetarianism as to have the same intake of protein, vitamins and minerals you need to know to combine foods.

 In general, opt for vegetable protein sources like tofu, seaman, legumes and whole grains.
What changed in your life because of this decision?

I lost weight; I started to feel much better and noticed improvements in skin quality.
Nowadays, when I travel, and somehow, I have to eat meat, fish or refined grains, I feel more intoxicated body; I'm more tired, heavy and congested in respiratory terms.

Was also practicing yoga ... There are many types of yoga, but I did regularly for two years, hath yoga and hope to soon be able to return to practice. Yoga brought me another notion of exercise because it works the body as a whole.

Stress and weight gain

Stress intensity and set the pace of life of an actor. How search find balance?
Managing stress has been a learning experience, ten years in the profession.
This is a job that takes him home, even if they choose not to. I learned that there must be a cut that we should not consume with details. In the last five years, I felt the need to return to myself.
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Back to the essence
Being an actor is to live in truth an imaginary time and, therefore, we must always be available emotionally. We ended up inhabiting different, some darker places.

 We get waste of character, which can be good but also very intense.
 The peaks that live adrenaline, for example, when entering stage and then a piece is finished have physiological implications.

This profession forced me to find ways to balance me, to tune me about myself, even to be available to others. Had, very early, the notion that we are a complex made of various materials to be and we need to feel good on many levels.

Not just sweat a lot in the gym then if we are not focused on ourselves, if we are much dispersed.
What have you done in this direction?

I made a starter in reek, an ancient practice of self healing, related to the energy that exists in the cosmos, which helps us to refocus. Implies channel this energy through the hands Resort to this practice, for example, when I feel headaches.

Loosing fat and eliminate cellulite

We use a technique in which 360 degrees can aspire the same procedure different areas, for example the abdomen and back.

In most cases, the high is given on the day 'Ramos describes Luisa Magadha’s.
The tumescent technique is also combined with other techniques such as liposuction or laser lip vibrates.
 According to plastic surgeon, 'the fat will no longer bother, since there is weight maintenance.

If the skin is flabby additional surgical techniques are required to remove their excess'. The aspirated fat can still be harnessed, processed and treated to be applied on another body that is intended to increase (lip sculpture) area.

This option is ideal for those who have firm skin with good elasticity.
 If the goal is to also eliminate cellulite, liposuction should not do this.

 If you use this solution, be aware that the cost varies according to the area of the body. The thighs and hips have a cost in Veda, from 3,250 while the belly already has prices starting from 2,500.

- Smart lip (laser polices)
Allows removal of localized fat deposits through a laser housed in a cannel
 Under local and / or sedation, anesthesia, fat cell membrane is destroyed and their contents eliminated by the body. "

It is recommended, especially for smaller areas of treatment ', elucidates Miguel Andrade. "It is less invasive and safer than traditional liposuction, in part due to lower use of annuals whose size is even smaller incisions, causing less scarring," he clarified.

loose fat and Increase strength and flexibility

Accelerates rehabilitation after injuries and surgeries
Sports Performance
Increases strength and flexibility
Improves inter-and intra-muscular coordination
Fat Loss Formula

Improved sense of balance, reducing the risk of falls Increases the level of energy and well-being enhances the production of growth hormone

See the following page: Why'll be addicted in this kind of workout
I'll Get addicted because only need 15-30 minutes of exercise two to three times a week to do full (muscular and cardiovascular) training.

By requiring such a short time, you will be easy to integrate exercise into your daily routine without stress. No need to make endless boring and grueling sessions with weights and aerobic activities to stay in shape.

Notice you get, with less time and effort, more benefits and higher performance than its conventional workout.
Stay out if you have:

Pacemaker ...: The vibration can interfere with the operation of this device that regulates the heartbeat.
Illness or injury ... in inflammatory / bleeding phase: Increased circulation brings more blood to the tissues, which is not advisable in inflamed tissues.

Retinal ...: Any type of exercise is contraindicated.
Pregnancy ...: Increased production of growth hormone progesterone and vibration caused by exercise can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy.

. The role of ginger in the treatment of diseases

Research has confirmed the benefit of ginger in it repelling gas, where it enters in the composition of drugs dilating blood vessels, a soothing heat, as it enters increase sexual ability, and in the treatment of
menstrual pain, and migraine, anxiety and stress, and irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bronchitis and crises asthma, and insect stings, which is also beneficial for heart disease, kidney and liver, and stiffness of joints, colds, and is useful for the treatment of many diseases, but it is more effective when mixed with foods or other herbs.

Ginger role in getting rid of body toxins
Of the most important ways that are used to reduce muscle pain and weakness on the Elimination of taking a bath warm ginger, put three or four tablespoons of powdered ginger root in a small saucepan and filled with water, then boiled, then leave for 15 minutes.

Then strain the mixture and add to the water bath, which by the lukewarm water, then soak your body in the bath for a period of not more than 25 minutes, and are advised not to exceed 25 minutes,

as advised to drink water before and after, because Ginger will come out of the amount of fluid from your body loaded with some harmful substances.

Before getting out of bed can have a drink warm ginger sweetened with a little honey dry biscuits (tea biscuits), and then wait until enough minutes to start the effectiveness of ginger before getting out of bed in the morning. Eating ginger green with meals, or eating ginger powder equivalent to one teaspoon per day, and can be divided to 3 times a day.

How to treat neck pain

Neck pain, pain from the neck is almost the same as the causes of lower back pain with a different transmission of pain (as a result of the pressure on the nerve roots) to the shoulder and arms, and is diagnosed case full examination of the patient and compared and MRI on the neck area.

Months reasons are the joints of the cervical spine and is characterized by pain of vertebral joints in different types of pain caused them, and also the widespread her as she caused about eighty percent of neck pain caused arthritis upper neck type famous of headaches in the head, and cause arthritis middle of the neck in pain in the neck.
Dr. Charles Livingston
The joints of the lower neck causing pain in the shoulder and upper chest from behind, such as the neck muscles, which are diagnosed with clinical examination, these pains and is injected into the muscle with anti-inflammatory

The Homeland slipped disc and is cured by an x-ray showing injection into the neural tube of the neck. In the case of slipped disc are the work of a scalable and steaming cartilage cervical with the benefit the same features such as steaming cartilage lumbar are as follows:

is performed using local anesthesia during the opening minutes Leave No Trace with failure to remove any part of the spine, and the lack of any laceration in the back muscles, and maintain the dynamic stability of the spine, and does not require stitches and are from outside the neural tube does not happen then fibrosis or adhesions nerve canal, and it takes about twenty minutes and the patient's return to his home after an hour.